Monday, December 8, 2014

First Transfer is Almost Up!

How to do service in Edmonton in December
So this week has been pretty fun, although it didn't start off too exciting.  It was nice to receive money again, and be able to stock up our fridge. I do enjoy seeing food in there.  But Elder Liu and I did a lot of finding this week, and without any new investigators. So that's a little discouraging, but we are still planting those seeds, so that people know our Church just a little bit better for having seen us.  When we have the car, we like to do Phonebook Finding.  Elder Liu's previous companion took a phone book, a bit of an old one which is sad, and got all the Asian names out of it.  It was hard to plan effectively because the addresses went all over the place, so I took it and organized it by streets, so that we can mark out an area pretty easily.  This is really helpful, and we mostly find Asians, some have moved.  Hopefully it yields some success soon though.  We really do like having the car, it is a lot more comfortable.  But finding without it can be fun too.  We basically just ride the LRT trains for a while, and try to talk to anyone.  We've meet some cool people.  On YSA memeber's grandparents were there once, and they talked to us, which was really cool. Apparently, they called their granddaughter right after they got off the train and told her they had seen us.  While we were out phonebook finding this week we found one house that wasn't Asian, but it was a less active that we haven't found on the ward list (yet).  It was kinda funny, when we came up, the doorbell was broken I guess.  But we didn't know so we just tried it and waited.  I could see this lady up the stairs in front of her door.  She must have just gotten home, and was putting her jacket away.  But we just stood there.  Eventually she saw us, we must have been creepy because it looked like we were just standing there.  So she came down and didn't open the door and asked who we were.
"We're Missionaries for our Church."
"Which Church?"
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."  The door opens, "In that case, I will open up and wish you a Merry Christmas."  Apparently this lady had been raised LDS, married LDS, and divorced, and hadn't been to a meeting since.  She was very nice, told us she respected missionaries, and totally believed. We invited her to the stake Christmas activity, and she is acting like she will actually come to that.  Although we won't really be working with her from now on, it was a really cool experience, and one where I felt like the Lord was guiding us to find her.
This week I have been reading a lot out of the Book of Mormon.  I started over.  When I got here, President Manion asked us to read it through by the time we got done being trained, and to underline all of the references/names of Christ.  I started doing that, but it felt like I was just searching for his names, so I started again.  And I've tried reading before.  But never has the Book of Mormon just come alive like it has this time.  It is really awesome to be reading through and be understanding so much more of what's happening, and the lessons being taught, its been really awesome for me this week to have such a great experience and a testimony builder with the Book of Mormon.

Anyway, this transfer is almost up, not that this means a lot to Elder Liu and myself, we'll end up staying where we are for sure.  But it means I'm almost halfway through my training.  So that's exciting!   Talk to you all next week!

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