Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Temple Week!

Hey all! This week we were able to go to the temple! It was such a great experience to be back in the temple and to see the love of those serving there and how great the work done inside is. Loved it!
This week was our Chinese New Year Fireside! It was a great activity! We had a few talks from some members in the area who speak Chinese, and they were great. But the part everyone loves tho most is, of course, the Chinese food potluck afterwards! It was so delicious! So much yummy Chinese food all in one place, I loved it! Elder Decker and I had a great turnout from our area, people that we are working with and so we very much enjoyed it! 
This week I was also able to go on exchanges with Elder Mathewson. He is such a great guy. He is almost done being trained and he is a great missionary already. So excited to see and hear the great work he will do. 
This week started off with some bowling last P-day, which was super fun. There is a place here that has "Twooney Tuesday," which is bowling for $2! It was sweet!
Well that's been my week! Hope you all are doing well!